Are you still thinking of new & meaningful destination idea for the school field trip? SPACENAUT’s Mission Moon is the answer for educative and unique experience blended with STEM learning galore.
“Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”? Paul Brandt
Stargazing is a sight to behold; it ignites curiosity and has bemused humans for thousands of years. The beauty of the universe is not limited to what is visible to our naked eyes, it goes further & deeper where no man has gone before... locked away and remains puzzling.
Space Science is unfolding the mysteries of the universe, uncovering the beauty behind alluring shining stars in their majesty. The pace is slow to suggest frenetic for space scientific discoveries and scope to unravel the new dark spaces are enormous so are the career opportunities and need for a new area of education.
Space exploration has a huge potential to enhance technology, we can’t even dream of today. It has already dramatically changed the landscape of national defence, scientific exploration, television networks, the internet, atmospheric studies, mobile phones, GPS systems and satellite-based communication along with a number of other technologies.
There is so much interest and fascination about space science yet it does not hold a prominent place in modern school’s science curricula. It is a new concept and it will take sometime before our education fraternity recognises its full impact. Space science and exploration is the key to future innovation and our education system is still waiting to take charge and accelerate.
There is a lack of space science exposure among children in their formative years in India which is mostly limited to solar system and chronological information of scientific discoveries and exploration.
The emerging vision of scientific literacy is complex, a single institution whether a school or after-school singularly would not be able to support the development of rich science literacy.
We all understand that children learn through multiple, varied, independent and inter-dependent experiences across time and settings formal and informal collaboration with organisations imparting practical training and programs can invigorate the science literacy and innovative bent of mind required in India.
Now with SPACENAUT, a company dedicated to Space Research, Education and Development has designed the programs specifically for the school audience. The idea is to provide experiences that leverage to build coherence and meaning across setting, around science and understanding of space education. The programs span for grades 5 to 12. The meticulous planning and thoughtful thinking have gone in designing the program.
The state of the art facility includes a mission operation control center, lunar test rig, and integration facility. Students can witness spacecraft and rover from up-close as the engineers take you through the tech behind it.
The SPACENAUT facility located in Bangalore is all set to welcome informal and formal collaboration with schools. These short trips can instill in students life-long skills, inclination for science and research-oriented careers beyond traditional professional avenues.
Space Mission Training Programs
All the Space Mission training programs are executed and designed by the Team of Space Scientists and Space Engineers who are working on India’s first Lunar Lander Mission. SPACENAUT offers the following three Space Mission Training Programs:

§ One Day Mission Training - Be A Mission Scientist
§ Two Days Mission Training - Be A Mission Engineer
§ Teamindus Fellowship – Be A Space Jr Mission Specialist
Features of the Space Mission Traning
This exceptional training program includes features which are irresistible for any school that believes in inculcating STEM through a pragmatic approach.
§The deep, unique learning opportunity provides hand on experience to students through TeamIndus Moon Mission. The engineers working on a live Moon mission themselves provide orientation on all aspects of 'Making of a Space Mission’ along with an overview of all subsystems like Structures, Flight Dynamics, Avionics, Thermal and Propulsion.
§ The theory and concepts applied to innovate and create.
§ Feel the space mission by maneuvering the rover on the Lunar test bed, solve problem statements like crossing craters and avoiding obstacles while traveling at 10 cm/sec.
§The learning goes beyond spoon feeding, the students can also innovate on technologies, learn science and apply their learning.
§ There is let loose your creativity and imagination while you design your own planet and solve problems to co-exist with a new species.
§ The programs are designed to challenge students to think beyond academics and create solutions that can impact all of humankind and its future.
§ Understand the science behind Orbital Elements: Semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, the argument of perigee, true/mean anomaly and right ascension of the ascending mode and their application in a space mission.
§ Get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet and interact with an ex-ISRO scientist.
Outcome & Impact
The programs are designed for learning outcome and also make the experience to build personal life skills.
Scientific literacy is more than factual recall. Every program involves a rich array of conceptual understanding, ways of thinking and living the space mission.
It gives exposure to possible career opportunities in research and development of space and astronomy.
Rejuvenate interest towards STEM to take up the meaningful path.
Introduction to a new career avenue in the middle school can help in making informed subject choices in the higher grades.
SPACENAUT is providing very low-cost experiential learning programs so that maximum number of schools can take the benefit.
Each student would get a certificate on completion of the space mission program.
SPACENAUT has collaborative partnerships and engagements with Space Research Organisations in India's booming private space industry. One of its strategic partnership with Teamindus India's largest private sector space company to impart Specialised Real Space Mission Training Experience to School and University students globally at Teamindus Mission Training Centre at Bengaluru.
SPACENAUT is also coming up with Indias first private sector space museum, ISMCA (INDIAN SPACE MUSEUM AND CENTRE FOR ASTRONOMY) at a location near Mumbai. It will offer Space Camp, Workshop's on Cansat, Model Rocketry, Public Observatory and Internships.
The efforts of SPACENAUT through the formal-informal collaborations have provided the exuberance to the curriculum, the school, teachers’ passions and commitments to their work, and in many cases have contributed to students’ development of lifelong interests and even pursuit of particular academic career pathways.

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Refs: National Research Council (NRC). 2009. Learning science in informal environments. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). 2009. NSTA Position Statement: Parent Involvement in Science Learning