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24May 2018

A Story of Tree

Posted by : Zain Bhat
Category : Kids Blog-8-10 years
Date :

I was once a seed, abandoned in the dark in cold weather of November. When I opened my eyes on the most beautiful land, the first thing I saw was a lush green ground with thousands of dew drops like hidden diamonds sparkling on it.

My eyes travelled slowly along the ground and I saw a big tree "fear me not "it bellowed, rather gently. It was my mother. When there blew strong wind our leaves used to rustle. That is how we communicated. We lived a happy life. Somedays later two axemen came and cut down the mother tree and drag it away. I was left alone. After a few days, it began to snow. I was fully covered in snow, not knowing that this was just a weather change. After a month my life dwelt into a plant. But soon a hungry horse came and ate my leaves. The horse was soon called by its owner and it galloped away. I soon grew up into a big tree. Winter was gone for good.

Early Spring had arrived. I grew very healthy and sturdy. My reflection in rain puddle reminded me of my mother. Soon I made new friends. A beautiful robin with stunning red feathers and a small orange beak made a nest in my boughs. A family of squirrel also lived near me. I was living happily, but one day two axemen cut down my whole body and dragged me away in a truck.

My friends were heartbroken and I gave them a last smile. The axemen cut, carved and squished my body and made into a table. I was sent to a school. I was scared to see many people around, but there were many friendly kids around. One day me and my mom finally met. She was a table besides me. Oh! I was so glad to be united with my mom.smiley

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Total 1 Comments

Zain Haseeb Jan 13 2019 3:46AM

wow!!!!!!!!!!awesome blog


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Zain Bhat

I am nine years old.I love reading books.I have a passion for swimming and want to excel in it.

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