Depression is something we always face in life. We face it when we lose someone really close to us or when we are lost, but hope comes and hugs you and suddenly someone comes to you and comforts you and you’re not sad anymore. I always thought depression is a disease which spreads person by person and make your current state even worse.
Anyone can get depression and it can come at anytime and suddenly. It affects all young or old, rich, or poor. If someone is having trouble concentrating, remembering details, feeling fatigued, irritated, or just sad they could be depressed. During depression someone could be eating too much or not eating at all.
But there is a cure to everything. First step is to acknowledge it. The next is to give hope, happiness, and love to the person. If depression is chasing, you it is hope that it will go a long way to bring relief. Smile and find the optimistic side of your life.
In the famous words of Emily Dickinson “‘HOPE’ is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.”
Take up a hobby or learn a new skill or sports, you will find that the situation has improved, and worries will become smaller if not vanish and that is how you solve a sad situation. In a bad situation think about the future or a pleasant memory/moment that energizes you and makes all your thoughts fresh and happy.
The best way to combat depression is to keep oneself engaged and rather than supressing it, it’s advisable to communicate and share with someone a family member, a friend or even a psychologist.
In conclusion, mental health is as important as physical health. So, we should look after these so that we don’t fall into a trap called depression.

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