I’m sure that no one could have imagined the academic year would have ended this way. These disruptions from the pandemic have brought about a new normal in more ways than one. Last year, physical school ceased, and online classes kicked off. Formerly, we used Zoom but we at best had 4 classes a day and couldn’t even show or submit our assignments, so, we shifted to MS Teams where we were able to join meetings with just a press of a button without using codes to join them like we used to in Zoom. Our issue with the assignments were also solved as we could submit them in a new assignment tab. In the individual period channels that we attended our classes in, we could chat with the teachers and our fellow students about the subject in regards to the topics.
But online classes aren’t all sunshine and rainbows. Like all things in life, it has its benefits and drawbacks. There are many obvious and not-so obvious pros of online classes.
They are:
You get to work from the comfort and succour of your home. As online classes are taken well, ‘online’ on our phones and computers, we no longer must deal with the hassle of traffic and being late to school.
Online learning provides more time flexibility. Now you have a bit more time to spend on extracurricular projects and hobbies like how I now spend more time on art and writing, which I could not do frequently when I had physical school because I came home late, tired, and lazy and only had time to study and do my homework.
You learn to study on your own at your own pace. As you don’t interact with your teachers that often and have more time nowadays, you study on your own without help and at your leisure.
There are challenges in online classes that you don’t really face during physical classes.
They are:
Being in a physical classroom makes me focus on my work whereas online learning makes it hard to focus because I have to aid my parents in household chores like putting the clothes outside for drying or dusting the rooms and not to mention my brother hinders me from my work which completely throws me off.
Compared to learning in a physical classroom, online learning seems more difficult because you don't get the hands-on learning you do like in a physical classroom.
Online school also makes me procrastinate a lot because of all the leisure time I have. I delay my work because of all the time I have which causes me to put it off until the last minute.
As you can see, online classes have its pros and cons but as this muddle of a pandemic isn't going anywhere, online classes will continue so we must overcome these problems by implementing a few of the solutions:
· Form a timetable
Forming a timetable will not only set your day straight but it might make you and me postpone our work less. It also lends a helping hand in self disciplining yourself but don't only put study and work sessions add small breaks to prevent stress as ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.
· Be organized
Try being organized, by categorising and putting things in the right area so that you could be clear headed and composed while you study.
· Study bit by bit
Studying bit by bit overtime will help you write your exams better and make it simpler to study rather than delaying studies until the last minute and not remembering anything during your paper.
Contributing a few of these quick fixes will not only assist but moreover make online classes a bit more trouble free than before you heard this.
In conclusion, online classes would be alright in the long run but I wouldn't want to continue it in the future as it causes a few health repercussions and physical school has a more human touch and there is more teacher-student interaction.

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