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06May 2018

Encyclopedia Explorer

Posted by : Misha Sarin
Category : Kids Blog-8-10 years
Date :

An encyclopedia is a book which provides information about different topics arranged alphabetically and most encyclopedias include facts. When we read about something like black holes we have an urge to research about it. We can use an encyclopedia to understand the documented information about them. 

The word encyclopedia derives from a Greek phrase ‘enkyklios paideia’ which means universal knowledge.

Encyclopedias allow us to gain information on various topics without wasting a lot of time and labour. Most of the encyclopedias include the following topics which are:

  • Earth and Space
  • Plants and Animals
  • Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life
  • Science and Technology
  • Universe and its Components

We need to look inside to find the answers to hundreds of fascinating questions about our Earth, the natural world, space, science and technology. Encyclopedias are a key to a lock and you can imagine the key as the answer and the lock as the questions.

Encyclopedias have existed for around 2,000 years and were written in many languages which made our work easier and faster as its better to have something which is written in the language you know the best.

What is the difference between Enclyopedia & Dictionary?

The appearance of digital, open source version in the 20th century expanded the accessibility, authorship and readership. Encyclopedias are longer and detailed than those in the most dictionaries. Unlike encyclopedias, dictionaries give us information about words and their meanings and pronunciations whereas encyclopedias provide information on all sorts of topics. Some encyclopedias provide information even on medicines, philosophy and laws.

I love encyclopedias a lot as they provided me a lot of information on various topics and some of them which I was not even taught in school and did not know at that time. The encyclopedia helped me a lot through my academic year and I knew everything. I would like to recommend it to others.

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Total 1 Comments

Mradula Singh May 17 2018 12:25AM

I loved reading it Misha, looking forward to more blog post from you.


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Misha Sarin

This is my first blog. Encyclopedias give us a lot of information. Which type of book do you like? Answer in the comment section. I have written whatever I know about encyclopedias and I hope that helps you.

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1001115I loved reading it Misha, looking forward to more blog post from you.U171May 17 2018 12:25AM171Encyclopedia ExplorerMisha Sarin Mradula Singh171.jpg
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