In this blog I would like to share my experience as a ted talker and some gadgets which are totally going to blow your mind.
What is TEDx?
Some of you must be thinking what TED is. The TEDx Program is a short powerful talks under the slogan, “Ideas Worth Spreading”. It is designed to help communities, organizations and individuals to spark conversation and connection through local TED-like experiences.
My journey to become a TED talker
It all started on a normal school day in December 2014. We had a special assembly where a presentation about TED talks was organised which was when I was introduced to TEDx. It was a very interesting, informative and great learning experience.
We were given an opportunity on the spot to drop our own innovative ideas about anything we liked. Many children participated enthusiastically; being quite lazy I stumbled upon the idea of how life would be if we could sit on one place and control gadgets with our thoughts instead of moving here and there finding remotes and pieces of mechanism.
One day while I was heading towards my class my friend came running up to me saying my idea was selected for the TED talk. I was quite stunned at the moment, but I said I was ready.
I prepared a speech about the topic after some research about robotic arms, exoskeletons, games etc. that can be controlled by our mind. While researching I discovered that mere idea of mine had lots of indepth scientific trial and testing going on around the world. I found the exact scientific term for my idea - Brain Computer Interfaces commonly known as BCIs.

Watch my TED Talk to learn more about Brain Computer Interfaces.
This technology will work wonders in our everyday life. These kind of gadgets can be used in various ways for the betterment of our future and a step forward to the development of new ways to make our life simpler.
I was honoured to be mentored by a renowned image consultant Dipti Divekar who helped me a lot in building my confidence and taught me many new and interesting things to deliver my talk effectively. I would really like to thank her for all her guidance and help she gave me. And thankful to Ishita Katiyal and other fellow freinds too. This TED Talk under TEDxYouth Balewadi also all children team of under 11years became the youngest children team to organise a very few TED Talk by children in the world.
I practiced a lot and the day finally came. I was very nervous and scared but I came over that fear and finally stepped on the stage. My talk was mainly about how mind controlled gadgets could be used for the betterment of the society and how we can use it for disabled people to make their lives better.
You can see my full TED Talk here
There are many mind controlled gadgets, some in clinical trials others already out in the world. Here are some gadgets which are totally going to blow your mind.
Necomimi Headset

These cute and chic ears just don’t have a fashionable design but also a key to knowing the emotions of the other person. All you have to do is wear it on your head and enjoy. If you’re feeling down the ears will droop and if you are excited they’ll wiggle.
All adults, always wanted to drive your car without tiring your feet? Well the German scientists have made your dream come true. These cars are still not ready to roll on the road but they sure have their benefits. In the coming future these cars will soon take over the roads and will might even make there way to the top of the charts.
Emotiv EPOC

This nifty gadget lets you operate your keyboard or mouse without touching it. can also It used to move your character in a game and best of all in can move electrical applications such as fans, wheelchairs etc.
DARPA’s Prosthetic Arm

The prosthetic arm made by DARPA is a gadget that can take the place of lost arms and moves with the help of simple thoughts. These are one of the most helpful ways in which we can make a better life for physically disabled people.
Orbit Helicopter

Too lazy to get up and give something to anybody in your own house? Then you must have been waiting for this helicopter all your life. This small helicopter controlled by your brain signal is quite the thing for you to enjoy being the laziest lump in the house.
I am very amazed and fascinated by the new and phenomenal gadgets that are invented by scientists. It would be a great pleasure for me to work with scientists.who are involved in this field and help physically disabled people lead a better life.