My purpose of writing this blog is to share my imagination with you. Imagining things is my favourite hobby. Whenever I sit alone I close my eyes and I just imagine things.
One of the most beautiful imaginations I wanted to share is 'An island of peace'.
An island where we can only relax, no work, no stress, no study nothing just chill and enjoy.
My island of peace is stress free place.
My day starts with a beautiful sunrise. When the sun rises it seems like it is rising from the sea.
I love to walk on the soft softsand on my island. I love to feel the fresh air blowing all aorund me. The sound of the waves is my favourite music. It feels so satisfying to hear such sound.
The birds flying over the cloud in shape looks so beautiful. There are many trees on my Island of peace and you know nobody cut the trees on my Island of Peace. So my island is full of trees around. I can breathe fresh air with no pollution.
At the end of the day, I wait for the sunset to gracefully end up the day with the slight warm feel and flow of the waves with their delightful sound.
My island of peace has all good people who believe in sharing love each other.
People don't fight, don't throw bombs, never hurt children and other people on my island of peace. People don't play with bloods of other people.
People live in harmony on my island of peace.
Few days before I saw the Syrian attack and I was very disheartened. I wish the whole world turn into MY ISLAND OF PEACE.

For Kids 8 to 18 years
Open from 14 March 2018 to 25 May 2018