The precious gift of God it the nature. I love to see the beauty of nature. Big big trees, beautiful flowers in different variety, small birds with different species it is so satisfying to see this around, different species of animals. Really, I always have a question how God created this beautiful nature. When I see the mountains I get a big question mark how God has made this. It's soooo big.
In the morning when I am on my way to the school I get a sight of lovely birds chirping on the trees, the branches of the trees moving swiftly with the wind. It feels so fresh in the morning.
But now a days I can also see how we are making it dirty, how we are disturbing the nature. I can see the litter thrown on the roads, dry waste is thrown everywhere. Plastic! Plastic ! Plastic ! all over plastic, plastic bottles, bags, cups etc., can be seen everywhere on the roads. Even if the garbage bin is full still the people will overflow it. I feel people have forgotten what is cleanliness. Dengue, malaria and other harmful diseases are spreading because there is no hygiene around.
I have a humble request for all please keep the nature clean. The one thing I really want should disappear is garbage. I want my earth to be clean and neat. It is said that cleanliness starts from home. So people please keep your surrounding clean it will ultimately contribute to overall hygiene.
Government have started "Swach Bharat Abhiyaan" which is a very good step towards cleanliness. We all should give our helping hand by participating in this programme.
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For Kids 8 to 18 years
Open from 14 March 2018 to 25 May 2018