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23Jan 2019

Save Girl Child

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Date :

Save girl child is the awareness campaign to save the girl child in India by ensuring their safety as well as to stop the crime against girl child especially female foeticide and gender inequality.


Save girl child scheme is an ambitious scheme of the Government of India which is intended to generate massive awareness, improvement of quality of welfare services for females helping them (girls and women) access these services better. Save girl child has been focused of attention of everyone all over the India in order to improve the overall social and economic status of women according to the society the girl child means nothing, but just a doll who works at the instruction given to her.


A girl child is discriminated in both cities and villages. The society discriminates girl child in different manners, a girl child in villages is discriminated by abuse, forcing to work, forced to chid marriage. In cities girl child is discriminated by child labour, abuse and making differences between a boy and girl.


The people usually thinks that boys are better performers so the money is usually spent on boys in matters of education and schooling. The girl child is treated in a bad manner and is discriminated  in almost every house.




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Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar

Miss Divyal Gathibandhe, Class- VII

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