The World is now changing fast as there are creations and new technological innovations. We are entering the Age of Machines.
This puts an important question in front of us whether robots would make us more efficient or just plain lazy.
As an advantage, we could program the robots to complete the repetitive tasks or non-important work while we can focus on more important work. There are many such examples that will make life easier for doing simple household to industrial work. Some of them are listed below:
Many working women who are awesome professionals and cannot dedicate the needed attention to their houses and kids will get respite. The daily chores can be taken care of by such robots, which can save a lot of their time.
Also, robots are replacing soldiers in the battlefield resulting in reducing the casualties and injuries.
In hospitality industries robots are increasingly used in place of waiters and for housekeeping.
Robots are currently being used in space exploration program where humans cannot reach.
Incredible work by some scientist to make us more efficient and easing our lifestyle blues too.
But do you think it is all hunky-dory?
On the other hand, robots may also cause laziness. By passing all the work to the robots, we as humans may become less physically active and also, machines in this case robots are another cause of weight gain and obesity which might increase in the coming years.
Our life is supposed to be filled with tasks challenging our brain, but if robots make our lives simpler it could cause less functioning of our brain. This makes me think – less or no functioning of our brain like our tails during evolution will make them vanish one day.
There should be a balance between the amount of work you do and the amount of work you would be dumping on the robots as I am concluding my futuristic notion.
In this way, you would live a stress-free life but can also avoid from being a couch potato.
Always remember that we should control the robots and the robots shouldn’t control us.
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