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All in all a welcome move by CBSE to cancel 10th Board exams and postpone class 12th exams much appreciated by educators, parents and students.
The students and parents are welcoming the move by CBSE to cancel the 10th Board exams and postpone the 12th exam till1 June. The sudden rise in the COVID-19 cases across the country has led to a decision, looking at the safety of lakhs of children across the country.
The Board Exams for Class 12th to be held next month are postponed. The situation will be reviewed on 1st June 2021 by the Board and details will be shared subsequently. A notice of at least 15 days will be given before the start of the examinations.
The Board Exams for Class 10th are canceled. Padmaja Chavali, Principal, ClS, Kothrud, Pune, said, “I welcome the move of cancelation of the 10th board exams by CBSE. The wellbeing and safety of the students is the utmost priority for all of us.”
The press release issued by the CBSE also stated that the results of the Class 10th Board will be prepared on the basis of an objective criterion to be developed by the Board. While the decision on the 12th class is clarified, most parents and students are now in a bit of a muzzy state about the objective criterion of internal assessment.
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We reached out to the educators to take their views. Anirban Bhattacharya, from Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of Schools said, “I think it’s the right decision taken, looking at the outspread of the COVID-19 virus. However, it's too early to comment on the objective criteria which CBSE will develop for marking the students. As an opinion maker, I see that the internal tests comprising the pre-boards results and the practical exams which the students appeared could be a few of the criteria; other than the feedback of their respective subject teachers upon the interaction throughout the year for assessing the students.”

Some schools said that they have been continuously assessing their students through internal assessments besides the guidelines provided by the CBSE. These included MCQs through Google forms and regular tests.
Srinivasan Sriram, Principal, The Mann School, Delhi has given some valuable suggestions for the internal asessment criteria. These suggestions can make more meaning even during the normal academic year to algin with vision of the National Education Policy 2020. The suggestions are for the criteria are as following:
Internal Assessment by subject teacher with proof of performance in 2020-21 -10%
Pre-Board exam marks with proof - 30%
Marks of Periodic Assessment Exams in 2020-21 with proof - 20%
Performance of Class 9th final exam result - 30%
Attendance during online Classes in 2020-21-10%
We got mixed responses from the students, some of them are extremely happy that they will not have to go through the exams during this crisis situation. But some students were not so happy and they feel that they didn’t appear for prelims with the same mindset as appearing for the Board exam. A student said anonymously that I could have done much better if it was regular board exams. Rohini Sathe from Delhi said, I’m not sure what will be the internal assessment criterion going to be, we didn’t have proper notebooks and nobody checked them during the online classes.
Rita Singh, Director, Indirapuram Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad shared her views," Considering the speed with which Covid is spreading, the government simply had to take a decision in the larger interest of our populace."
She has given very useful advice to the anxious parents and students who are more worried about the internal assessment, "To safeguard the interests of a student who feels aggrieved by the marks received in the 10th, the CBSE has given an option for such a student to represent and to take the 10th board exam later. The tenth board exam is generally being used only to decide the stream allotment for classes 11th and beyond which may have major implications on the career choice of a student. However, if a student continues in the same school in the 11th and 12th grades, it will not materially affect the stream allotment. For the students joining in from different schools, each school can create its own criteria of intake which could be a combination of test, Viva Voce and maybe, more."
Rita Singh also raised a very pertinent issue of board exams known for one exam decisive milestone for success, she said, "Here is an opportunity for schools, we have been talking about celebrating children's individuality. This is the time school's brought out the best analysis of what each student is capable of. CCE Method of evaluation of yesteryears was just right."
Amid the mixed reactions, CBSE has taken the decision for the health and safety of lakhs of children, families, and teaching staff. However, it calls for steps to improve and work towards strengthening continuous assessment processes as well, may be Edtech tools can come to the rescue in the coming academic year as we will be having ongoing online classes and learning.
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