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Cyber Safety Awareness

Check Your Media Literacy IQ - For School Principals and Teachers







School Leaders' Media Literacy Survey

Part 1: Personal Understanding of Media and Online Safety

How often do you verify the accuracy of news before sharing?

Always (5)
Sometimes (4)
Rarely (2)
Never (1)

Have you ever encountered misleading information that you believed was true?

Yes, frequently (5)
Yes, but rarely (4)
No, I always identify them (1)

What would you do if a viral school safety message circulates on WhatsApp?

Forward to colleagues and parents (2)
Check official sources before sharing (5)
Ignore unless from a trusted source (3)
Assume it’s fake and not share (4)

Which online risks concern you most? (Select all that apply)

Cyberbullying (1)
Online scams (1)
Fake news (1)
Privacy issues (1)
AI misinformation (1)

Part 2: School Policies & Curriculum Integration

Does your school have a digital literacy policy?

Yes, formal policy (5)
Guidelines but no policy (3)
Plan to develop one (2)
No, not considering it (1)