Thinking about student exchange programs abroad? Not sure why you should take your school for it? Here is a quick guide to school exchange programs for schools.
What are student exchange programs?
A short trip away from home providing an opportunity to live, experience and learn a different culture, a different family environment in nutshell you’ll be learning about the world with experience.
Nowadays, a short trip away from home is designed to give school students a different experience in a different country and environment to experience a completely diverse culture, home environment and sometimes trip to school. The student exchange programs are becoming popular with more affordable and meaningful programs than before. They are also designed for especially for the school children.
It is considered to be critical & life-changing experiences that broaden student's horizons & sensitizes them to cultural diversity while offering them a chance to learn about a foreign country, its language, its food, the people & their lifestyles while making what could be lifelong friends, the process is reversed when the students of your host school come to visit your school & country
These short-term exchange programs are known as summer/intensive or cultural exchange program. These programs focus on home stays, community services, and cultural activities.
Some schools have formal arrangements in place for their students to complete an exchange, but another way which most schools prefer is an option to organise exchange programs age-wise through an independent exchange organization. The schools can pick and choose the best program that suits philosophy and language taught to the students. They can also choose the preferred country and compare cost at one place.

Benefits of the Exchange Programs & Study Tours for Schools
New Experiences
The students have the chance to experience a new way of life, a different family, and school environment. Acceptance tolerance for the array of different culture and communities come intertwined with exchange programs.
Help your students make the world their home, introduce them to global opportunities.
Greater independence
The students learn a variety of life-skills while they are away from home. Being away from the parents also gives them ample opportunities to make their decisions independently and learn problem-solving skills.
New education style
They experience learning in different education style, which will expose them to the different school system and learning what they are used to in India. It opens up a new way of thinking among young minds and opens the door of adapting.
Priceless memories and lifetime connections
They will have new connections with their host family, friends at school and teachers- with whom they are likely to remain in contact for years to come.
Student Recruitment: Schools need to differentiate between themselves, schools that offer such opportunities to their students are seen as progressive & doing more for the students, this encourages parents to enroll their children in these schools
Teacher Recruitment: Helps schools to attract better & more talented teachers: We offer complimentary seats for teacher escorts which give them an opportunity to participate in the program, travel & see the world at no cost
Benefits of the Exchange Programs & Study Tours for Students
“Exchange programs are an incredible way to foster both love for travel and to start the lifelong journey of learning.”
§ Educational: International learning and knowledge propels students towards acceptance and understanding of an array of different cultural and community perspectives.
§ Personal: Self-development and awareness leading to enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem. This is often the most noticeable change in students after completing an Educational Study Tour.
§ Long Term: Prospective Universities & Colleges in almost every field look favourably upon experience gained while living overseas and knowledge obtained of another language and culture.
What are the alternatives?
The exchange programs and international study tours bring that light bulb moment for students. However, for the schools, the overseas trip is a big deal and requires plentiful forethought.
Don’t worry, there are many organizations to help you and guide your school right from planning to selecting the just right program to suit your school’s objective. They specialise in school travel programs so that schools heads, school principals don't have to worry about the nitty-gritty.

Travel to Learn is an organisation that works with schools to develop customized, curriculum related, experiential learning based programs.
Anupam Vaid from Travel to Learn, General Manager shares, “Travel to Learn has been invigorating schools to Open the Classroom Door & offer Experiential Learning opportunities to students through "World Classroom", a concept of learning beyond the walls of the classroom. It is an extension of experiential, project-based learning. It helps prepare students to be lifelong learners to understand the richness & diversity of Eastern & Western history & cultural traditions & to be responsible world citizens with a commitment to serve family, society & community”
The growing list of programs offered include: Student Exchanges | Language Learning | School Immersions | Science & STEM | Performing Arts | Sports |Outdoor Education - CAS & Award Trips | University Tours | Career Guidance | Summer Courses | Adventure | Business & Entrepreneurship| Cultural Learning | Professional Development & Leadership Programs for Educators & more...
How to get started?
Nominate your school for the exchange or study tour program
Talk to your school administrators and parents about the programs
Contact us for the rest…
Ready to go! We are totally with you in selecting, planning and organizing the travel. Contact us today for more details.
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