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06Jan 2020

Beauty of Beauty

Posted by : Harshitha Uppara
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

What is real beauty, does it lie in any duty. 

Is it a living picture of passion, or does it lie in our ancient tradition. 

Does it depict human nature, is it really a special feature. 

Is it a futile search, or is it hidden in laps and research. 

Can it be picturized as rational, or is it quite international. 

It's a Sad fact that real is invisible to common eye, it's all because we really don't try.

This charm of life can never be torn apart, because real beauty lies in one's heart. 


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Harshitha Uppara

Hello everyone my name is Harshitha and I am a student of Jindal Vidya Mandir JSW.

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