"Exam results can be filled with emotion- hold your emotions if you are elated, share sensibly and be considerate on social media.”
Little stress an anxiety related to exam results emerges in every student, after all, they have put extra hard work for months together. Sustained focus and coupled to the pleasure of having to make crucial decisions about the immediate and long term future can leave students overwhelmed.
You can see all kinds of feelings among the children and parents too with the exam results day and days as they pass by. There is happiness, excitement, disappointment, excitement, stress, anxiety, guilt anger, sadness, confusion and more.
Ultimately, every exam boils down to expectations you set for yourselves or under peer pressure or matching expectations set by parents.”
For some, it will be happy end of months of hard work but for some, it won’t be so positive. It can be especially difficult if you are disappointed and your friends are celebrating. You will have to understand that even though the results may not be what you've expected, it doesn’t really mean the future isn’t really bright for you or you won’t be able to achieve great things.
This blog will not be complete if I don’t talk about coping with noisy result day on social media. I particularly put my focus on the social media and texting on WhatsApp groups. This special guidance will help you cope with the social media when your mates are congratulating each other on the Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp class group or Facebook.
“ Try to ignore the noise of result day and some days later”
Think about many people who are not loud and quiet like you thinking about their results.
Do not share your result on the social media, because it will set you on with comparisons and negativity.
Whatever the outcome be mindful what you choose to post on social media on result day.
Think carefully how much you want to share
If you are overjoyed, then also think how other people will feel when you share the good news online.
How not to annoy your friends on Social Media?
Sharing some tips on how you can avoid annoying everyone on your newsfeed or timeline.
Don’t take a selfie with your exam result and have it as a profile picture on every single network, it will be a little cringy.
The selfie or picture of your exam results posted on timeline may give out a lot of information to cyber predators, so to stay safe don not post the report card in original.
Avoid putting a rundown of your exam result on facebook. Posting every detail is a bit too much.
“ Share with care"
Do not leave a long award ceremony like thank you note on to every single person who helped you score well on your timeline, and then tagging them with the names, rather send them a personal thank message in their inbox.
Steer clear of posting on your friends' wall publicly for asking them to share their results. It is totally up to them whether they want to share what grades they got. Embarrassing them online won’t help, try to show sensible sharing values called netiquettes.
Coping with what you didn’t expect?
If you didn’t get grades you predicted there is a lot you can do, here are some suggestions:
Talk to someone outside the situation
Reset your own expectation and think realistically
Explore some other options for future
Take a break to chill and reset your mind
Jot down your feelings in a journal or personal diary
Look after yourself
Talking about your feeling and realising that you are not alone are key steps in building confidence and developing coping strategies for life’s unexpected setbacks. Take this as an opportunity to re-evaluate, reframe and to create a new life course and new narrative based on personal strengths, resilience.
“Move on they’re just grades”
If you are feeling anxious or your child is anxious and feeling disappointed with their exam results there is help and support available. Parents you ask a question anonymously on NexSchools too. The exam helpline links below will also help.
Exam helplines for students
Students can dial centralized toll-free number 1800 11 8004
Chhattisgarh Board Student Counseling Helpline post results 18-002-334-363
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For Kids 8 to 18 years
Open from 14 March 2018 to 25 May 2018