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24Jan 2019

Education for the sake of assessment

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

Education for the sake of assessment

I don't like this system of education and the system of assessment. This pattern of assessment and education is hindering all our hobbies and the creativity. I don't have the freedom to learn more I want to get educated of my talent I want to nourish my hobby and grow by occupying more and more knowledge in my field which is impossible in the system of education. We are all enjoying our personal growth and competing with each other for the sake of marks and grades. I would like to see a total shift or a change in the system. each one should be given a chance to do whatever they like to do. Everyone should be given a chance to be educated in their own hobbies and grow to a higher level. the cell life will be filled with enjoyment for all. We can enjoy our childhood and I am sure that will grow up as a responsible citizen of India. I am concerned in this regard because I feel that education should not be tested it should be learnt.

By Rajat S G

Category : 8 to 10 years


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Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir

I am Rajat S G. I like to travel all over the world and explore it.

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