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People born in different ages are different from each other in various aspects. The world is changing at a rapid pace and thus the difference between people born in different times is inevitable. For instance, if we talk about India, people born before independence are different from those born today. There is a huge difference between the thinking of the two generations and why not? There is a drastic difference between the whole cultural, economic and social environment the two have been a part of.
Generation gap is the term given to the difference between two generations. The society changes at a constant pace and hence the lifestyle, ideologies, opinions, beliefs and the overall behaviour of people also undergoes change with time. This change gives way to newer ideas and breaks the unreasonable stereotypes and this in turn has a positive impact on the society. However most of the times it becomes a cause of conflict between two generations.
The parent child relationship is often affected due to their generation gap. It has been observed that the parents try to impose their values and ideologies on their kids while the later want to explore the world on their own. Many relationships have suffered due to generation gap. Several parents and children have conflicts because of their difference of opinions which they must understand is natural as there is a generation gap between them.
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