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25Jan 2019

Harmful PUBG

Posted by : WisdomHighInternational School
Category : Wisdom High International School Nashik
Date :

PUBG! PUBG! PUBG! What is PUBG (Player Unknowns Battle Ground) Basically PUBG is just a violent - game.

So much ADDICTION just for a GAME!!

Two facts…Just two facts and you’ll leave that illogical game and never ever touch it again.
The very first thing that you should keep in mind is that the moment you start that game your nerves carry violent radiations to your brain and makes your brain insensitive. And when you again start your routine the radiation affects your mind in such a way
that your brain starts distracting you in your everyday work. 

The last but not the least – What are you getting by playing these games instead you can do many things rather than playing this game, such as:

Playing outdoor games 

Playing indoor games

Spending time in orphanages

To donate some money or giving food items to beggar/a needy person

Spending time with your family/friends

Therefore, you can do many other things rather than playing PUBG!


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WisdomHighInternational School

Jainam is just in the 6th grade and he aspires to be a very influential person through the internet!

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