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17Jan 2019

History of India

Posted by : amrit senapati
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

History of India


India is one of the most popular historic place in the world . India is related to history in many terms and if we remove India from history many of the mysteries will be unsolved and could not be understood. First most important thing about history is Indus valley civilisation because it was very advanced compared to that of there period. Aryans from regions near Caspian sea helped a lot in agriculture by telling about the plough. Many great leaders like Chandragupta Maurya , Ashoka the great, Akbar and many more of them established mighty empires . There are many famous books of ancient India, some of them are – Arthashastra by Kautilya , Harshacharita by Banabhatta, Indika by Megasthenes and many more. Religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism were started from India and were spread out by some famous persons like Gautama Buddha , Mahavira and people of Indus civilisation . Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of the world and is also very helpful in understanding history. This information is enough for being inspired by history of India.



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amrit senapati

I am Amrit Senapati of class 6th G . I am a student of Jindal Vidya Mandir. I am proud that i am selected so that i can participate in this contest. Thank you NexSchools very much .

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