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27Dec 2017

How to Tackle your Studies

Posted by : Manya Singh
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :
This blog is about how you can make studying easy and ace those tests. 

Find your Space

Make sure that you study somewhere that you like and where you are comfortable. It could be anywhere, such as your bed, your dining table or any other place that you like. Stay in an environment where you don’t have any distractions like any device.
Make Charts/Tables/Flow Charts
It’s easier to remember and comprehend information when it’s in a well-organized form. Write everything in short points which is understandable and covers the topic properly.
Write Notes
It may seem like a lot of work but writing notes helps to break down bigger points or paragraphs into simpler sentences. This makes it easier for you to learn.
Visual Aids
If you’re a visual learner you could try and visualize how a science experiment would look. You can also watch videos on the internet related to your topics, just make sure you aren’t distracted.
Pay Attention in Class
It may seem easier to space out during class but paying attention in class helps you understand the concept better. So when you’re revising anything it’s easier to recall what you’ve learnt.
This is how you can tackle your studies. Remember to get some fresh air  well because ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’


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Manya Singh

Budding blogger loves to read and play guitar. This blog is about how you can study well to ease the exam fever.

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