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24Jan 2019

I believe in me

Posted by : Vaishnavi Kulkarni
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

A painful,hard road ahead of me I walk alone on it.A path without a sign of light I walk alone on it.No shoulder to lean on.No shoulder to cry on.Its me alone and no one else.As I trudge alone,eduring hardships. I begin to discover my self.Hardship come and go,my strength may crumble but I fight the darkness alone.I may fumble,I may act in vain.But I know I won't be down for ever.When the darkness releases its wrath.I will fight the darkness that tries to hold me down. For I know I believe in myself and laugh at the face of misery. 


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Vaishnavi Kulkarni

I am vaishnavi Studying in 7th G Vidyanagar

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