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24Jan 2019

I don’t have time

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

Running from home to school and back to home doing homework and studies I don’t have time to do anything. I don’t know where does the time go. it’s time to look back and have a glance at the day of a child ...that’s me on the school going day. In my sweetest of dreams a hand comes and shakes me I think it’s a dream, but after a while I realise it’s real. The hand that shakes me up again and a soft voice whispers “wake up my baby .“ With a faint mumbling cry I turn and open my sleepy eyes and see its dark. My sister is snugged up in bed beside me as she has afternoon school. sad ! I have to go now even though I am younger to her. I have to wake up early.

 I have taken 10 minutes to wake up. Juggling between the bathroom ,toilet ,dress arranged ...which I could have done at night but I don’t have time. I get ready and I eat and go all at the same time. I cycle to school and reach in the almost Gate closing time.

 Once inside the school I have enough time to do things wonder where this time comes from to do all sorts of things in school. The bell rings and it’s time to go home. In a hurry I reach home. I come as fast as I could and hey how come it’s taken me 30 minutes to cover 200 m of distance and that too on a cycle. wonder how time went so fast I only snail paced my way home talking to my friends and aunties but still it took 30 minutes.  after I come back I need to express out all that happened in school,it doesn’t take time but it’s already one hour of talking.,how come? have lunch, sleep and tuition takes me to evening. I still need to do my homework and it’s 8 PM already. where did the time go? I spoke for one hour, ate for one hour, sat in front of TV, slept for two hours, went to tuition for an hour, I laughed and spoke to my sister only an hour. how come it’s 8 PM ? I hurried and did my homework and it should take  only a little while to complete. Suddenly “my mom screams” it’s 10 PM have your dinner and sleep “.what ! where did the day go ?I haven’t wasted my time but how come I don’t have time.

I go to the shop to buy some things but shopkeeper says it doesn’t sell time.  I asked my neighbour to give me some time but alas!  They don’t have time and we ‘re just short of it. With the long and sad face, I returned to find time. I close my eyes.

Yurika ! it’s clear where to find time I get up and switch off my TV, I get lots of time switch off  my mobile, I have some more time, then I make a timetable for all my activities and surprisingly I find time. Now I have time for everything and still left with some time in hand. Wow!  so friends now I know where my time go and how to manage time. we have to make a timetable for all activities. Utilise each minute judiciously. Gadgets and TV time to be strictly adhered to and restricted at times. Don’t be slave to gadgets, talk less and work more. I found my time I hope you find Your lost time too.



    By –  Tuviksha  Parmar

    Category: 8 to 10 years


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Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir

I am Tuviksha  Parmar. I am a ken observer and loves to talk a lot.

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