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25Jan 2019

Indian Culture

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
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Indian culture refers to the thousands of distinct and unique culture of all religious and communities present in India its language, dance, music, architecture, food, and customs, differs  place to place.

Such as inherited ideas, ways of beliefs, values, way of people living, habits, behaviour, care, knowledge, gentleness, cleanliness, etc. Indian civilization is the oldest where people are still following their culture including humanity and care. Culture is the way of behave and beliefs towards others. How softly we react with things, our understanding our behaviour, beliefs for other people, values, principles and beliefs. We people behave well with others as what we have already learnt from our parents and grandparents.

We can see culture including Fashion artists, dance, music, food, architecture, dressing, etc. People belief and follows various customs and traditions according to their own religion. we celebrate some Indian festivals by getting together. People of various religions celebrate their festivals at various part of country with great zeal and enthusiasm. Our ethnic culture always teaches us to behave well, respect elders, care helpless, needy and poor people.

Take blessings from family members, do yoga and meditation, offer food and water to needy.

There is  a great culture of our nation that we always welcome our guests like god that’s why our India is famous for a common saying like “ Atithi Devo Bhava.” The basic roots of our great culture is humanity and spiritual practices.



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Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar

Miss Supriya Behra, Class- VIII

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