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24Jan 2019


Posted by : SPREEHA RANA
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

I can’t understand why killing a tree is not a crime. I think it is not because the people from the government cut trees too. If I  were the Prime minister, I would have launched a rule according to which killing a tree would land a person in  jail for 5 years and wouldget rotten food and dirty water to eat and drink.

We all have life and families, like us trees too have. By killing their families we do a sin. We could give them a better life more than killing them. They give us life too.

They give us so many things but we give them nothing. They just need some water from us. We kill almost 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees each year, means around 55,600 trees are being cut each day.

I would like to say one thing –

Killing a tree is like, killing the earth,

But planting a tree, is like saving the universe.       


Thank you


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I am Spreeha Rana from JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, SALAV. I am 11 years old andiI study in Class 5 A.

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