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21Jan 2019

Karate -A Source For Self Defence

Posted by : Navya Popuri
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

Well , common question among ourselves that why is self defence required ? Many of them think that self defence is nothing but just improving our body fitness. But I can prove all of them wrong by taking an example of self defencing art like karate. Karate is a martial art which improves our self defencing skills .

I have been going to karate since an early age of 7 years and I am very experienced in it. Karate which is a Japanese word, in English means “empty hand.” Martial arts, particularly Karate offers today's children many life lessons, disciplines, and skills that your child will carry with them throughout their lives.

Karate is not about merely defending oneself, it is so much more than that. Bruce Lee said it best by saying “The martial arts are ultimately self-knowledge. A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups.”

Karate teaches self-confidence and respect, not only for yourself but for others, including an opponent. It helps children to set goals with each belt earned and learn how to achieve those goals, and in so doing, and build valuable confidence.

Confidence comes naturally when you can handle your own, even when faced with a bully or another challenge. It helps children to learn self-leadership, as well as how to lead others children get advanced in his or her belts. Higher belt level students help with the training of lower belt students. This, in turn, helps to re-enforce the self-confidence aspect of karate. Karate requires self-discipline in order to advance in rank.

As your child earns new belts through hard work, self-discipline is the natural result. Children will learn that, with self-discipline comes new proficiency with Karate or any martial art. In time, children will also learn to approach all areas of life with this skill, as Karate is so much more than a mere fighting style or physical sport. There is no denying that Karate is demanding on both the body and the mind. Karate helps with strength, cardiovascular health, and flexibility training. Very few physical activities can boast this. This style is not just physical, but it is also a lifestyle and state of mind. Learning Karate is quite  tough but as you earn belts and increase your grade it would be challenging.

I have experienced many challenges in the wonderful experience of karate. And thereby I would like to prove that karate does not only help for physical fitness but also for each and every aspect of life.

I have experienced each and every thing mentioned above in the regular classes and would agree that it is true. And karate also encourages the child by ensuring that “Hard work has it’s own success.” Because when the child tries hard for the regular exams and then gets a positive result it encourages the child . And after so much of hard work I am a successfully trained BLACK BELT.

Explore the short courses to preapre children and youth for the AI powered Information Age:

Smarter DigiSafe With NexCia - Cyber Warrior Student Ambassador Course - 7 to 11 years

Cyber Warrior Student Ambassador Course in the AI Powered World - 12 to 16 Years

Youth Ambassador Program (YAP) for university/college and young professionals 

HSI Cohort Membership and UNESCO Framwork Media and Information Literacy Certificate Course



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Navya Popuri

Hello everyone . This is Navya Popuri . This article shows the importance of Karate as a source for self defence and other aspects of life . I have also expressed some of my experience in reaching black belt also, a point to say I am a successful

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