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Up and down in the living is necessary but lose the respect is like a body without soul in it so respect is above all. Meaning of life is to search the soul and searching the soul actually searching the god who guide us towards right direction. God is a supreme, he do the things which is not visible. But it is good for people. Situation is worse. Time is difficult. But a ray of hope come and alive again so believe in yourself and god .
The faith and mental piece is two-way to reach the mountain of happiness. The self interest self-image is a person’s perception. People may try to harm your interest.Love the things which you love and live the life which suit to you,feel like a heaven. But your feet on the ground.Forget and forgive yourself about events in a life.It is another shade of life. Life is full of surprises but your self-esteem is important. Thinking about the past is actually waste of time.
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