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24Jan 2019

My Dad

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

My Dad

Dad you are very special, 

You mean so much to me. 

There aren’t many guys like you, 

Who give selflessly, 

When life has turned my world 

Completely inside out, 

You are always there to lean 

I know without a doubt, 

Whenever things go wrong 

And I don’t understand, 

I know that you will be there to lend a helping hand. 

Years have brought a touch of grey, 

Some lines on your face 

but to me there is not another dad 

who could ever take your place.


By Ridhima Singh

Category 8 to10 years


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Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir

I am Ridhima Singh. I love to play Badminton and have won many prizes. I also love to write poems.

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