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24Jan 2019

My DreamSchool

Posted by : Rohan M
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

For students like us schools are our second home . We spend majority of our time in schools  and schools plays a very important role in molding and shaping every student for a better future both academically and personally.

Schools are very important part in every student’s life and hence we all should have good schools for a better society tomorrow .

My idea of a good school would have good teachers and teachers who have passion intrest would definetly help in getting their students too interested in the subjects that they teach and would find potential of the student and get him or her to the best.

My dream school should have syllabus modulated in such a way that it should be interactive and have a perfect bled of theory and practical orient classes.

My dream school should have the use of tabs and hi-tech gadgets instead of books for easy studies and understanding.

Though schools are the best thing happened to mankind, there is a room for more improvements for better and interactive education.


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Rohan M

Name:- Rohan

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