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24Jan 2019

PUBG-A Video Game

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Date :

PUBG is a online game. PUBG is a game that is most popular in the world and it is also on trend. In this game we can talk to our friends in our team. It's full form is  PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds. All play this game very much. This game was invented by three people , they are Brendan Greene , Chang - han, Kim and Tom Salta. In this game up to one hundred players parashute onto an island and they found weapons and equipments to kill others. In this game, there was also a safe zone where we want to go, as it is shown on corner map. If we stand last, then the last player or team get ''winner winner chicken dinner''. It has good graphics and controls, but I want to tell everyone that '' the game is becoming dangerous day by day '' because many people are giving their most time in playing this game and it was banned in ''China'' and ''Turkey'' because  in ''China'' and ''Turkey''  people  are spreading their half day in playing this game. So, we should play PUBG in limited time. So, download this game PUBG but don't play this game for much time.



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Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar

Mast. Satyendra Yadav, Class- VIII

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