We all know much the exams are beneficial to us. We even know that we have to write our exams every year. Already, we are aware of that, even we become. What is the necessity of taking tension, as we are already informed about our exam dates? Yet, we don't do much preparation.
How we are means, we don't read the whole year and when our final exams are near we will start reading. After the exams are over and we have scored less marks then we say that next year I will start from day one. But we all know what happens. When 2-3 months are left for our exams we start making Timetables.
The Time Table will be followed for only 2 days, then again we come to our same work. So, make a time table which you can follow regularly and which is flexible to us.
Some of them, they will start going to regular tuitions. So, that at least this time they could score good marks. But, what is the necessity of going to tuitions. We can be strict to ourselves instead of wasting so much money. If we have the determination to study then no one can stop us. Instead of being lazy, we should work hard.
We should always have a goal and do preparation. Example: when we go out we will decide a place, where we should go, not that where the bus or auto stops we will also stop there.........
So, keep a goal and start working on it.
We should never say I will do it tomorrow or I don't have any mood to study. It will make you lazy. Instead of saying all that you can say let's try. If you readatleast 3 lessons daily, then before exams you will be perfect. Don't wait for lucky day or time. Nothing is good or bad just it depends on our hard works. When you will get sleep during studies then wash your face or drink water but don't sleep.
"When you are sleeping then somebody will be studying, and when he becomes successful then you will only suffer."
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