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24Jan 2019

Self Defense

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar
Date :

Women are targeted by many criminals because they seem fragile and cannot defend themselves. Many women panic in the state of attack causing them to be easily overtaken. A   woman’s best form of defence is her mind. Some ways in which women can defend her seem strange but are actually  very   intelligent.  In many self defence classes women are taught to remain calm and use their head in serious station

If a women suspects someone is following her, turned around looked the thief straight in the face  and said , “don’t I know your mother?” started by the women, the criminal quickly ran in the opposite direction. I believe that a women’s intuition is important women can sense things before they happen


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Jindal Vidya Mandir Kalmeshwar

Miss Chaitali More, Class- VIII

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