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24Jan 2019

Should students textbooks be replaced by notebook computers

Posted by : Rudraksh Agarwal
Category : The Scindia School
Date :

Yes, according to my view textbook should be replaced by computers. These days students fall asleep while readinvg the text, but as you keep laptops in front of them, which has study material then they would not fall in sleep. The high school boys bags weight is a lot due to the textbooks and stationery, but if you replace books with laptop then the weight of the bag will reduce and shoulder injury will also reduce. The price of laptop is considerably less than whole set of textbooks. But if the society thinks that children may play games on it, then the server may block everything except study material. Deforestation is caused in order to make books which is leads to global warming. For 1000 pages we require one tree, and there are million number of students and each student will require almost 5000 page. Thus 1 student is equal to  5 tree. But if we have computers then there is no tree wastage.

There are much more things in computer, the students will not get bored and teachers can update anything they want through technology and the information will be spread to everyone through the server. It is a good way of not flipping those old, dusty pages, and it helps us doing things in a organized way. The homework will not be lost, as almost every student gives an excuse of not completing their homework that their notebook is lost. Thus, if there will be laptops so it will be easy for teachers.

But it is also no to laptops for certain cause. The students will pay attention to their laptops instead of teachers which will destroy them a lot. Typing will degrade handwriting quality and in board exams the handwriting will not al all be nice. If there is project assigned by the teacher then the sudents will just copy and paste from various sites. A lot of pepople also get headaches by looking at screens. As we know that when we get cell phones we stick to them. So what if we get laptops, we will just be into them for 4-5 hours in school and in houses another 2-3 hours, which will causes us a lot of illness. If everything is blocked in the laptops then also the student get access to whatever they want, by hacking and cracking things in their computers, which will more attract them. If your laptop by chance get broken then it will cost you a lot, but for repairing a book you will require very less amount. When you are working on you compuer your grammar also degrades because your computer has autocorrect.

Thus, it is all up to you that which path will you take. My attitudes have greatly shaped after this study. I have realized the ways meat impact our life and health. Meatless meals might improve the health conditions of patients suffering from various disorders, and the observed study proves it.


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Rudraksh Agarwal

My name is Rudraksh Agarwal. I study in class 9. I like playing footbal and doing photography. I live in west bengal.

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