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24Jan 2019

Simple Basic Values

Posted by : Suyash Bansal
Category : Other
Date :

Simple Basic Values

 Like they say, Life is a Competition. Only the Fittest can survive.

But does being fit only mean physically and having achievements? What about the values in life? Are they to be forgotten?

Life skills or values are somethings that if a person doesn’t have , even though he is very accomplished in life; he will never be praised. The truth is that without basic values , one is not even half a gentleman, no matter how accomplished he is.

The human mindset of people, mostly teenagers, these days is that partying, disrespecting people and doing all sort of stuff that’s considered as not a good behaviour, is the way to being cool. And people would then only like them. But the simple fact remains that this thought , this mindset is totally a misconception. Being a gentleman, being chivalrous  is what attracts people. And how does one become a gentleman or chivalrous? By showing the he has the right values , manners, or etiquettes.

This is the simple reason why we need to inculcate values in our lives. Simple Basic Values.

But considering how people just listen to a lecture about life values or skills a night before and then forget about them or ignore to use them in their lives the next morning, is just a big disappointment and a matter of shame. And we call our selves well-civilised. All this shows is our ignorance and lack of progress.

We just need to think about the values and keep them in our minds until they become a part of us. We need to inculcate these basic values to be a better person, to have a better personality. 



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Suyash Bansal

I`m called Suyash Bansal. I hail from the City of Nawabs, Lucknow. I have various interests, not really sure which one I like more. Although the best weapon in this world that I have is music. I`m a fan of R&B Music and Also pop and chill.

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