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23Jan 2019

Smile is Contagious

Posted by : Shubha R
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

Smile is contagious

When we feel great a smile comes naturally . It's an out ward sign of joy , happiness appreciation or excitement. 

It's not natural to smile when we are sad or upset . But it turns out that smiling might be the best thing to do when you are ready to shift ina brighter mood . Smiling on purpose changes brain chemistry . Smile can be a big help to people who are dealing with depression . If you are smiling on purpose to help your mood , you want smile until your cheeks lift and you feel your  laugh line crinkle . Since body language and mood are so linked , it makes sense that laughing or smiling on purpose helps us too . Some people tap into the relaxing power of laughing in a group sitting by doing a kind of yoga . Because smiling and laughing are contagious they help people bond . Smiling sends a friendly signal thar usually results in other person smiling back .


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Shubha R

Name:- Shubha R Class:- V/E School:- Jindal Vidya Mandir, Vidyanagar

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