This is the first time I am writing a blog in reference to a very primary yet the most important relationship in a child's initial years. A guru, a teacher and someone who informs the tender minds of children about history, literature, technology, art, nature, calculation, geography, society and economy. It is a privilege for a teacher to direct them into a better life, a better culture.
I gather my thoughts here, not just from the perspective of being a teacher, but also being a mother. When I observe my son addressing his teachers, sharing how he learnt things, how he receives the process from his teachers, show me that teaching is not just about explaining or passing on information from a text book, but also the connection with which the teacher delivers it. Teaching is a very sensitive job and can make miracles happen if done with the right mind and heart but also causes disasters if not done carefully. And that's why I believe the state of mind of a teacher is very vital in the growth of a child, because a teacher is the second most important tool in a child's life (after the parents) to help perceive the world around them. It is absolutely essential for a teacher to be mentally, physically and emotionally stable to deliver the right information and knowledge in an unbiased way. As each child is different, so must the way to approach him, because the attention and treatment they receive from their teachers, decides the effects on the child's mind and confidence. I believe it is essential to be unbiased and attentive towards each student, so as to get the best qualities out of them and then helping and encouraging them to shape those qualities into skills which will help them survive in the future. It is also necessary to challenge the students and the education system itself, as being informants of the education. Hence we need to teach the students to be fearless towards challenging the hierarchy systems and knowledge, to have freedom of speech and liberty to speak their mind.
The subject does not matter if the teacher truly understands the state of mind of their students, who come from various socio-economic backgrounds. Be it a football coach, a mathematics teacher or an art teacher. The way of delivering knowledge, be it theorotical or practical must consist of information that the children can apply in their lives, and that’s when the students can really connect to the subject, because every lesson genuinely tells them more about life itself and not just how to score well in a test.
What students learn from their parents and family is very different from what they learn from their teachers. And that’s why it's more important that the teacher sets an ideal example of correct ways of delivering information and knowledge, yet with sensitivity and an impartial nature, because this is where a child will hold many basic lessons of life which he or she will carry throughout their lives. Hence, it's not only my responsibility and duty, but also a privilege to share my knowledge of the subject and life with all the students that will come and go through my life. I hope to hold my end of the rope with integrity, love, understanding and responsibility as my reflection of a teacher will always be seen through my students.