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23Jan 2019

The World runs behind you and You run behind the world

Posted by : Sinchana N
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :


                                THE WORLD RUN BEHINDS YOU

There  are two  important days in our life , one when we  are born and the other day when we get to  know why we were born ! These two are important aspects of one's life .We all are are living in a chasing world. The world which stops for none , everyyone aspires to be a great and responsible person. But most of the individuals are in chaos , confused with what to choose for life , what to persue , what to be , how to do it,when do it , these are the major factors which strike an  individual's mind . Every individual is made up of something great, each and everyone are passionate for doing something or the other, the early you find it , the early you win. When you do something which you dont like is a stress , and when you do somethng which you love is passion. When you are passionate to do somethinng , you need not worry about how to do it , you just have change your mind to start it. When you do things which you love doesn't require much effort , it all goes in a smoother way .

It's alll about the willing to change , A change which is painful , a change which is different , a change which is something other than what we do regularly , Changing things and changing our routine is painfull , for example "I will get up at 4 early in the morning  and go to gym" , saying this is very easy , but changing it takes a lot of effort , and pain but one should rememer that nothing comes easy , everything needs an effort, it will be hard in the start and then things start falling in place slowly.


When an individual will to change in a possitive way , to do somethig, he/shel has to feed in all sorts of possitive thoughts into the mind . when we feed in possitive facts into mind  and belive in them , things change , drastically you change! We are all connected with the universe , when we wish something possitive and put in thoughts and efforts , the universe brings us all the possible ways to make it happen . The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction.


The first and most important thing to maifest to the change is to belive in yourself. The word '    " belief " means a lot . Beliving in yourself , beliving in your thoughts and putting your thoughts into an action will lead us to success. Success is not just having loads of money , assets and property. Sucess is something when your desires come true, when you have what you craved for  , when you are satisfied with what you have.


With the will to change for  the need to fulfill your desires , You start to change , all you have to do is love yourself for what you are and who you are, when you start taking care of yourself and loving yourself ( it may be being healthy , eating good food, having a healthy enough sleep, doing what you love)  you start to manifest in a possitve way !

It's good to have dreams, dreams are  not something you get when you sleep , dreams are something that doesn't let you sleep . Everyone should dream as higher as possible ,dream are something like a blueprint of what you want to become , dreams are set of possitive thoughts,  nothing is imposssible when these thoughts are filled with good amount of energy , the energy which comes through you which has made you into the person you are now , the energy which has brought you till here , the hunger of success , the desire for acheiving .The law of thermodynamics also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.  Everything lies in the energy ,vibration and frequency , you attract those things that you are in vibrational resonance with. Your vibration is your feeling. It is your feelings that attract your experiences. The more you experience the feeling of having what you want, the more you will have it. Higher vibrations and feelings is the medium by which your desires will manifest more freely. The more positive feelings you can experience about yourself and your desires, the easier and faster you will experience your desires spontaneously manifesting into your world.

When you start loving yourself, and working for your desires and needs , gradually you start attracting the people who matches your vibration and frequencies , the vibration of willing to do somwthing, the vibration of being passionate , the vibration of acheiving something, the whole universe starts working for you and your needs , things start coming to match your needs and desires, and  when you are good at something you do , the universe starts appreciaing it , people who love your freqencies start gravitating towards you as obviously everyone in the world wishes to be with a suceessful person and also wishes to be one.


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Sinchana N

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