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24Jan 2019

The secret diary

Posted by : Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

It was the year of 2000 my father bought a book called The Secret. My father started reading the book everyday. one day he read a page which said ,if you make a wish from your heart it will become true. He wrote this in his diary. He got married,later on my sister and I was born .One day he was watching TV and listening to the words of Swamiji who was giving solutions for peoples' suffering. A person asked him how to make a wish come true.Swamiji said," if you wish from your heart your all the wishes will come true." my father remembered the secret book.He opened the diary and  saw the wishes he wrote in the diary has become true.He had wished  to have a good and healthy family, fly to different countries. He wished all this with his heart and all his wishes become true. He has the book till now and reads it  again and again. The book tells us the importance of life I have also read the book it is a very interesting book.

By Pooja 



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Jindal Vidya Mandir VidyaNagar Mandir

I am pooja .K. I am Monitor of my class. I am very friendly and jovial.

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