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24Jan 2019


Posted by : SPREEHA RANA
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

In ancient times sending a message was so difficult but now we just need to press a button and it's done; just a piece of cake. Everything has changed now.


People say that technology makes us lazy although they use it on a daily basis. I think technology makes our work much easier and more comfortable in our daily routine.


According to me, technology has been invented  to fine tune our lives in different areas, be it aviation, hospitality, defense, banking, industries etc. You name a field and it has to use technology. A computer is the first thing that clicks our mind when we think of technology. The first programmable computer was made by Konrad Zuse and I thank him for this invention.


Today technology has made it possible for man to move to space and open up number of possibilities to expand. What is not possible for technology to achieve for human race. However, technology is just another invention by Man. In other words, human mind is the best technology that is available in this world.

Thank you



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My name is Spreeha Rana. I am 11 years old and I study in Class 5 of JINDAL VIDYA MANDIR, SALAV. I am extremely fond of writing on different topics and I like sharing it with my friends and teachers. I am also fond of reading a lot of books and I bor

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