“Good friends care for each other…close friends understand each other, but TRUE FRIENDS stay forever…beyond words, beyond distance, beyond time…!”
Many of us have friends in our lives over the years. Some friends we make as children and then lose contact as we grow older. Other friends we make as adults and stay in touch with as long as we are in close proximity to and it is convenient to keep in touch but then over time one moves away or busy schedules slowly pull us apart and we start to lose touch. Those friendships fall into the “good friends” or “close friends” as the opening quote cites. But then there is that last group of friends – those we call true friends – they are those we have a mutual caring about, and we understand each other’s hearts, and where bonds are formed between us that span any distance in proximity and where the bonds run so deep that no amount of time apart or lack of words will change the way we feel about that friend. These are our true friends, and when one comes into your life cherish it
True friend may be your mother / father. It may be your brother / sister. It may be your childhood friend / your classmate / your colleague. It could be anyone with whom you share your ups n down, they help us grow and change for the better. They support us in good times and bad. They can make us laugh when all we want to do is cry. And no matter how far apart time and distance may cause us to grow from one another, and even if death takes one of them from this world to the next, we always have the comfort of knowing that these true friends are still there for us, even if only in spirit, cheering us on and wishing us the best, because that is what true friends do for each other. “A strong friendship doesn’t need daily conversation, doesn’t always need togetherness as long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never part…” When someone is genuinely your true friend they leave an impression on your heart that will never go away…not with time and not with distance. True friends secure a place in your heart forever. True friends share with each other and care for each other with all their heart. Anything of life can be shared by true friends. Whether it is life’s troubles and miseries, or joys and happiness or then life’s many surprises or events and occurrences.
A true friend is one who loves you and appreciates you as you are. When friendship is all about love, it is a special place in your heart that you reserve for your friend, just as your friend keeps a special place for you in her/his heart. A friend is one you can be sure of. You have the assurance of a friend’s love and care at all times. And you in turn will always do anything to keep your friendship going strong.It is a true friend who can turn a grey day into a bright and beautiful one. It is love that friends share generously.A friend will lend you an ear and hear you out. Sharing your troubles reduces their intensity and you feel so much lighter when you have poured out your heart to your friend. Likewise, your true friend will feel joy at your success and cheer for you.
Friendship is all about Love !!
I am forever grateful for the true friends in my life, both those who are alive and those who have passed away, thank you so much for being my true friends!