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09Oct 2019

Why education is taking place

Posted by : Shradha Hota
Category : Kids Blog- 11-13 years
Date :

You know guys education is to achive something. But this thing also makes us one of its assistant. As we are studying much about science we are getting much eager to make new inventions, if these inventions takes place we cannot achive the goal as these inventions are really harmful for our life. God send us to this world for many other works .We can do our own work by our own hands .

Yes, everyone of us know that education is needed for our working of jobs, to earn money, to live our livelihood. This does not mean that we all are like rocks we work hard to do everything whatever we can. So,study is not the way to achive much other than the selfishness for money.


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Shradha Hota

I am the student of class 7. I would like inform you much on the topic.

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