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14Jan 2020

You are the best

Posted by : Santoshi SM
Category : Jindal Vidya Mandir, JSW Township
Date :

We most of the time blame others for not trusting or supporting us but, the fact is we don't believe ourself, rather ourself first. Then we can make progress and be confident.

Many must have said ' you can't do it , it may be our friends, relatives or our parents too. When we say we want to participate in a music show, become an athlete or the PM of our country, for that matter most of them try to demotivate us, " if you don't believe in yourself, why anybody else is going to believe you?". Every human brain is same the only difference is how we use it, how dedicated we are towards our goals,that makes the difference.

So, rather than blaming others we must take it ourself . We can prove that " I am not penny less than anyone " the day we realize it we start to believe in our self.


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Santoshi SM

Hello everyone my name is Santoshi SM I am studying in Jindal Vidya Mandir school Vidyanagar township.

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