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Gap Year Ideas
Work & Travel
Are you contemplating a career or college major in journalism? Well then your gap year abroad will surely be fruitful one. On a print journalism assignment you will get an insider's view of how publications are run. Alternatively, a Radio or TV journalism placement will provide you with an array of tapes and a good deal of broadcasting/ production experience. If you happen to be a working journalist, overseas placements can broaden your horizons; enhance your work experience in a different medium, different culture and society.

Depending on your areas of interest, you will have the opportunity to undertake a range of journalistic activities including researching, interviewing, reporting, writing reviews, feature writing and proof-reading. You can work for a business, entertainment or news publication where you will be able to see the many facets of life in any particular city and experience the immense variety that each city has to offer.

According to your interests and the amount of experience you could work in the following areas while abroad broadcasting, sales and marketing, creative writing, news journalism. The hours of work are flexible and you will be expected to work late or at weekends if required. Whatever be the assignment you choose, you will get an insight into the workings of the media in a new cultural and political setting.